
You shouldn't be paying anything to bank! In fact, the bank should be paying you because they have the privilege of handling your cash. Explore the modules below to see how you can get the most juice from your bank.

Small changes go a long way. See how much you could be earning or saving with DIYFi's solutions.
If you did any of the following in 2023: Traditional bank DIYFi rec. solution
Held an emergency fund of $10K Earned $47 in interest Earned $435 in interest
Withdrew cash from an ATM unaffiliated with your bank Paid $4 per trans. Paid $0 per trans.
Withdrew cash abroad Paid 3% foreign transaction fee + ATM fees Paid $0 per trans.

Note: Savings account interest rate and ATM fee estimates from Bankrate.

Banking 101

Banking 102